Chafer grubs in lawns
Chafer grubs may be small but they can be extremely destructive in your lawn; they can however be controlled.
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There are many insects that feed on turf, but most do not cause a great deal of damage. If your lawn is affected by insects, you may want to enlist an expert to identify what type of insect it is, however the following guides will help with identifying and dealing with the most common lawn pests in the UK.
In general, insect damage can cause your turf to turn yellow and slow down in growth, but these same symptoms can be caused by other problems as well. Other insects simply live in the turf or soil and cause the turf little harm.
Chafer grubs may be small but they can be extremely destructive in your lawn; they can however be controlled.
Each bibionid fly lays 30 eggs at a time, resulting in small clumps of larvae which feed on organic matter in turf.
Damage caused by moles is easily recognisable, but they can be difficult to eradicate.
Leatherjacket larvae can damage your lawn by eating the roots of the turf, weakening the grass which may then turn yellow.
Ways to manage ants and ant hills in your lawn and repair any damage they may cause.