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Lawn diseases

This section gives an overview of the more common turf diseases, why they might occur and how to deal with them.
If you are not familiar with turf diseases, it may be worth consulting an expert agronomist. STRI UK is the leading agronomy organisation in the UK; you can visit their website at strigroup.com/stri-uk.

Most turf diseases are caused by an imbalance or reaction in the natural fungi population present in all fine turf. For the most part, fungi do not cause disease. In fact, for most of their life they help degrade thatch. Fungi cause disease in turf when two events occur:

  1. The weather is conducive to disease.
  2. The plant is susceptible to infection.

Each turf disease develops under different conditions. Some diseases develop in the spring, some in the summer, and others in the winter months. Fortunately, diseases that can kill your turf are fairly rare and those that are more common are not very damaging.

The best defence against disease development is to select those grass varieties with the greatest disease resistance. We take great care and pride in selecting the seed used to grow out turf. The next best action to minimise disease development is to take good care of your turf. Well managed turf will not only develop less disease, but it will recover from disease faster.

While diseases in turf are not common, they are natural and will occasionally develop when conditions are right. The first and most important step to take is to identify which disease is attacking your turf.

Click the links below to learn how to identify a wide range of lawn dieseases.

Further guidance

Further lawn care advice can be found in our Information Centre. You can also sign up for lawn tips to receive regular lawn care advice, news and promotional offers by email which will help you get the best from your lawn.

For more techniques to help you maintain a healthy lawn, explore our other lawn aftercare advice.