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Chafer grubs in lawns

Information and Advice - Pests and Diseases - Chafer Grub

Chafer grubs may be small but they can be extremely destructive in your lawn; they can however be controlled.

Fusarium patch disease

Info Centre - fusarium patch

Fusarium patch disease presents as patches of yellowy-brown grass which does not attract dew in the mornings; you may also notice a fine white or pink mould.

Dollar spot

Info Centre - dollar spot

Dollar spot may appear as small, slightly sunken spots of pale, bleached turf. Correct maintenance can reduce the occurrence and severity of the disease.

British Standard for Topsoil BS3882:2015

Product Images - Rolawn veg and fruit topsoil planting in raised bed

Very few suppliers analyse their topsoils to the degree of Rolawn. In this article we explain what the British Standard means and why it is important in the decision-making process.

How to improve your soil

Product Images - Rolawn Vegetable & Fruit Topsoil barrowed up path

Advice on improving the structure and fertility of clay and sandy soils by adding organic matter, the best time of year to do this and what to use to improve your soil.

Soil compaction & aeration

Info centre - flooded lawn

Compaction is the reduction of soil pore space. Soils are generally 50% pore space and 50% solid. The pore space is needed to conduct water and oxygen to your turf and many thousands of other plants, microbes and animals that live in the soil.