Home / Information & advice / Topsoil & compost / Choosing topsoil / British Standard for Topsoil BS3882:2015
The British Standard Specification for Topsoil, BS3882:2007, was revised in late 2015 with a new standard BS3882:2015 – Specification for Topsoil and requirements for use.
Rolawn has always endeavoured to provide customers with specific, relevant and authoritative information on its topsoils to enable them to make informed choices. With the introduction of the revised standard, Rolawn believes other suppliers will have to be as forthcoming, to enable customers to make an informed choice, based on like for like comparisons. It is important, however, to be aware that no one specification can be suitable for all landscape projects.
Rolawn welcomes the introduction of the revised standard, as it has been designed to drive suppliers, specifiers and users of topsoil, to take into account the intended use of the topsoil and ensure it is fit for purpose.
Rolawn’s sampling protocol and analysis certificates have been updated in line with the requirements of the revised standard, with independent analysis including data regarding PTEs (potentially toxic elements) carried out by laboratories which are accredited to UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) and MCERTS (Monitoring Certification Scheme).
Rolawn’s range of market-leading topsoils are safe, fertile and horticulturally focused, offering a general purpose blended loam as well as a range of task-specific topsoils, each of which is blended with a particular horticultural purpose in mind.
Copies of BS3882:2015 are available from:
BSI Online Shop – shop.bsigroup.com
BSI Customer Services Department – Tel: 0345 086 9001